Equity Leaders Network
In partnership with Equity Now and Associates & Bethel Educational Solutions
Ryan Smith, Executive Director of Education Trust West, eloquently inspired the idea that “equity is like the new coconut water trend: it’s good for you, lots of people are drinking it, but not everyone likes it.”
Equity has become a new trend and buzz word in the field of education. School districts, county offices, and educational organizations are hiring personnel like Equity Directors, opening Equity divisions, as well as passing resolutions and board policies. Some would attribute this to the current educational funding formula, new accountability system, or even the current political and social climate that has heavy undertones of racial tension. Others would argue that it has been an underlying dysfunction in education that has been unaddressed ranging from hiring practices, to disproportionate discipline, to the achievement gap, to bias practices against LGBTQ and undocumented students. For many, this equity movement is not a new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, it has been a movement in education as well as throughout society since the inception of the nation’s birth.
For many educators who represent the backgrounds of those students who have historically been underserved in the system, the complexity increases as they wrestle with the intersection of benefiting from the school system to gain access to their current career status while advocating for students of similar backgrounds who have not attained the same fate as of yet. For educators of the dominant culture, the complexity creates a struggle in realizing their inherent ability to advocate and push the equity agenda as the resistance to systemic change ring loud in the current educational landscape.
The Equity Leaders Network provides a safe space for equity leaders of all backgrounds to come together and collectively engage in ongoing efforts to effectively implement actions that lead to sustainable closure of equity gaps in education. The network is designed to provide a space for educational leaders to engage in difficult conversations, ask the tough questions, and be vulnerable to share and learn from experiences that will support their growth personally and professionally.
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Annual Network fee: $499 |